Prof. Dr. Holger G. Gassner
Dr. Holger Gassner is your globally recognized expert in facial plastic and aesthetic surgery. He is the only US trained and US Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in Europe (ABFPRS). Dr. Gassner is recognized for his minimally invasive endonasal rhinoplasty techniques. He is one of very few surgeons globally who correct all nasal deformities exclusively through the endonasal approach, including the high – end primary aesthetic rhinoplasty as well as difficult revisional, post – traumatic and cleft deformities. Dr. Gassner´s second focus of expertise is the extended deep plane face lift with associated rejuvenating procedures. Dr. Gassner has developed his techniques over the past two techniques in collaboration with his friends and colleagues Dr. Andy Jacono and Dr. Neil Gordon. Dr. Gassner demonstrates his surgical techniques at multiple courses and conferences. He is the director of the European Course in Endonasal Rhinoplasty and the European Course in Face Lift and Rejuvenation Surgery. He publishes and presents extensively and is engaged in multiple societies and boards, including his function as Immediate Past President of the European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Holger Gassner was trained and is a fully Board Certified specialist in ORL / Head and Neck Surgery in the USA (ABOTO) as well as in Germany. He has completed his full specialist residency training as part of a 7-year stay at the renowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA. He completed his training in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery (AAFPRS Felowship) under the direction of Prof. Wayne F. Larrabee jr., Prof. Craig Murakami and Prof. Kris Moe at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA.
Dr. Gassner directed the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Regensburg for 9 years. He is Professor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Regensburg. Since 2017, Dr. Gassner has been Director of the “Finesse Center for Facial Plastic Surgery” in Regensburg, Germany.
- European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
- European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (EBCFPRS)
- American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS)
- American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS)
- American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie
(DGFHNO) - Gesellschaft für ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschland (GACD)
- American College of Surgeons (ACS)
Medical School:
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Doctoral thesis:
„Development of a device to measure the warming, humidifying and dust filtering capacity of the human nose“ (Mentor: Professor Gerhard Rettinger).
Research Fellowship:
Research Fellowship, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
Residency Training:
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Erlangen – Nuremberg (1 year, Professor Heinrich Iro)
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic and Mayo College of Medicine (5 years)
- Board certification in ORL Germany (Bayerische Landesärztekammer, BLAEK)
- Board certification in ORL / Head and Neck Surgery (American Board of Otohinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, ABOTO)
- European Board certification in ORL (EBEORL)
- Fellowship of the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (AAFPRS), University of Washington, Seattle, Directors: Wayne F. Larrabee jr., M.D., Craig S. Murakami, M.D., Kris S. Moe, M.D..
- German board certification in “Plastic surgical procedures” (Bayerische Landesärztekammer, BLAEK)
- USA Board Certification: Facial Plastic Surgery (American board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, ABFPRS)
- European Board Certification: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
- International Board Certification: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Medical Licenses:
- Washington, USA
- Germany
Associate Professorship (German equivalent):
“Chemoimmobilization of facial wounds with botulinum toxin A” (Oct. 2008, University of Regensburg, Professor Juergen Strutz).
Clinical Professorship:
“Reconstructive and plastic surgery of the face and neck”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Regensburg, Germany
- “Ben Schuster Award” for the most outstanding publication in the field of facial reconstructive surgery in the year 2000, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2000.
- Mayo Clinic Stiftung Fellowship, 2003, 2004, 2005
- “Ben Schuster Award” for the most outstanding publication in the field of facial reconstructive surgery in the year 2006, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006.
- “Sir Harold Delf Gillies” Award for the best basic science fellowship paper in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007.
Professor Gassner is a pioneer in surgical techniques.
“The endonasal complete release approach” describes a novel concept to approach the nasal tip cartilages through the endonasal route. Advantages of this technique include avoidance of the skin cut between the nostrils and improved preservation of the natural softness of the nasal tip. The anatomic continuity of the important lower lateral cartilages of the nasal tip can be preserved with this technique, which helps to avoid delayed complications. Professor Gassner is regularly invited at globally recognized meetings to present this technique. At the most renowned annual meeting in Facial Plastic Surgery (AAFPRS Fall Meeting) Professor Gassner gives a course together with Professor Norman Pastorek of New York City on surgery of the nasal tip.
“The stairstep graft” describes a new technique to better improve collapse and obstruction of the nose at the level of the nasal valve. The nasal valve is a frequent and often under-diagnosed cause of nasal breathing difficulties. Professor Gassner lectures extensively on this technique, which has been integrated in review articles and major textbooks and has been adopted by major international centers.
“The foundation graft” describes a technique to correct the secondary (adult) cleft nose deformity. Patients who were born with a cleft nose and lip usually suffer in adulthood from a nasal deformity. With the use oft he foundation graft, Professor Gassner corrects the bony deficit of the upper jaw around the base oft he nose. Thus, a more even foundation oft he operated nose is created and the changes in shape including deviation and tip deformity can be more effectively corrected. Moreover, with the use of the endonasal technique, more pronounced correction of tip position is achievable withour risk of tension dehiscence of the columella (between the bostrils) skin incision. Professor Gassner is one of the very few surgeons world wide who routinely correct even difficult and revisional cleft nose deformities through the endonasal route. Professor Gassner is regularly invited to present this technique at the world´s top courses and conferences. He has published the technique in peer reviewd journals and major textbooks.
“Endoscopic removal of forehead lesions (lipoma, osteoma)”. Dr. Gassner pioneered the method of removing forehead lesions though an endoscopic access route behind the hairline. This method allows to avoid visible scars of the forhead skin and is performed minimally – invasive.
“Prelamination of the forehead flap” is an important innovation in nasal reconstruction surgery. It allows for reconstruction of the important inner lining of the reconstructed nose. With this technique, the vital mucosal tissues within the nose can be spared. The duration of the procedures has been effectively reduced. Professor Gassner has been invited world wide to lecture on this method, which has been adopted in major international centers including Johns Hopkins Medical Center.
“The buccinator – SMAS fusion” is an important description of anatomical relations in the deep midface that have allowed for a better understanding of the effects of the extended SMAS and deep plane Face Lift Techniques. Professor Gassner received the reputable Sir Howard Delf Gillies Award for this publication, which he lectures on globally.
“The Fillet technique”: Professor Gassner described and popularized this technique to better control the shape and position of the lobule in otoplasty surgery. This technique is advantageous as it allows to control the position of the lobule in all 3 dimensions and spares resection of the skin. The technique has been published and widely presented. Multiple centers have adapted it.
“Chemoimmobilization of facial wounds with botulinum toxin”: Professor Gassner pioneered the use of botulinum toxin to improve the healing of wounds in the face. This method relies on the principle that a wound can heal better if constant pull of musculature on the wound edges is eliminated during the healing phase. Professor Gassner published this research widely and received the reputable Ben Shuster Award of the AAFPS for it. It is utilized world wide and has stimulated multiple follow-up studies.

Gassner, Larrabee, Walsh. The Art and Craft of Facial Plastic Surgery – A Surgical Atlas. People´s Medical Publishing House – USA, Shelton, CN, 2013.
Gassner HG, Congdon D, Kern EB. Surgical anatomy of the nose. Dissektionshandbuch, 15th biennial comprehensive course in rhinology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, Nov 1999
Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Moore EJ. Dissektionshandbuch, 17th biennial comprehensive course in rhinology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, Oct 2003
Gassner HG, Sabri AN, Olsen KD. Malignant neoplasms of the oropharynx. In: Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Cummings (Ed.), St. Louis: Mosby Year Book, 4th Ed., 2005
Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Kern EB. Dissektionshandbuch, 18th biennial comprehensive course in rhinology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, Aug 2005
Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Friedman O. Rhinology for the Facial Plastic Surgeon. In: Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Ira D. Papel (Ed.), 3rd edition, 2008
Gassner HG, Moe KS. Injuries of the facial nerve. In: Complications of head and neck surgery, Eisele D. (Ed). Mosby-Year Book; 3rd edition, 2009
Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Moe KS, Friedman O. The Role of Botulinum Toxin in Wound Healing. In: Botulinum Toxin, Jankovic (Ed.), Elsevier, 2008
Gassner HG, Friedman O. Scar Revision Surgery. In: Atlas of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Byrne P. (Ed). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book, 1st Ed., in press 2009
Gassner HG, Strutz J. Plastische und rekonstruktive Gesichtschirurgie. In: Praxis der HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie, Strutz, Mann (Hrsgb.), Thieme, 2. Auflage, 2009
Professor Gassner has published a large number of articles in recognized journals, which have been quoted over 900 times by 2017. The following is a list of his work. Prof. Gassner is committed to the scientific training of young colleagues and has in many cases guided the work as the last author. The studied clinical and operative results all represent his own surgical cases.
Safety Approach to Otoplasty: A Surgical Algorithm. Nunes D, Haubner F, Kuehnel T, Gassner HG.
Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Jun;31(3):308-14.
The stairstep graft: an alternative technique in nasal valve surgery. Gassner HG, Maneschi P, Haubner F.
JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Nov-Dec;16(6):440-3.
Correcting the lobule in otoplasty using the fillet technique. Sadick H, Artinger VM, Haubner F, Gassner HG.
JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Jan-Feb;16(1):49-54.
Endoscopic forehead approach for minimally invasive benign tumor excisions. Sadick H, Huber M, Perkins SW, Waters HH, Hamilton GS 3rd, O’Reilly AG, Gassner HG. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Sep-Oct;16(5):352-8.
Nasal Tip Recontouring in Primary Rhinoplasty – The Endonasal Complete Release Approach. Gassner HG, Mueller-Vogt U, Kuehnel T, Strutz J. Arch Fac Plast Surg, 2012 Nov.
Botulinum toxin to minimize facial scarring. Jablonka EM, Sherris DA, Gassner HG.
Facial Plast Surg. 2012 Oct;28(5):525-35.
Structural grafts and suture techniques in functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty. Gassner HG.
GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;9:Doc01. Epub 2011 Apr 27.
Minimally invasive surgery of the anterior skull base: transorbital approaches. Gassner HG, Schebesch KM.
Laryngorhinootologie. 2015 Mar;94 Suppl 1:S288-305. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1398644. Epub 2015 Apr 10
Botulinum toxin-induced immobilization of lower facial wounds. Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Friedman O.
Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2009 Mar-Apr;11(2):140-2
Surgical Anatomy of the Face: Implications for Modern Face-lift Techniques. Gassner HG, Rafii A, Young A, Murakami C, Moe KS, Larrabee WF Jr.. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2008 Jan-Feb;10(1):9-19.
The use of botulinum toxin A in perioral rejuvenation. Kaplan SE, Sherris DA, Gassner HG, Friedman O.
Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2007 Nov;15(4):415-21, v-vi.
Lateral retrocanthal orbitotomy: a minimally invasive, canthussparing approach. Moe KS, Jothi S, Stern R, Gassner HG. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007 Nov-Dec;9(6):419-26.
An alternative method of middle vault reconstruction. Gassner HG, Friedman O, Sherris DA, Kern EB. Arch
Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Nov-Dec;8(6):432-5.
Treatment of facial lacerations with botulinum toxin A improves cosmetic outcome: A prospective, blinded trial.
Gassner HG, Brissett AE, Sherris DA, Boggust A, Boahene KD, Weaver AE, Otley CC. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Aug;81(8):1023-8.
Effects of the nasal musculature on the nasal airway. Kienstra MA, Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Kern EB. Am J Rhinol. 2005 Jul-Aug;19(4):375-81.
Chemoimmobilization: Improving predictability in the treatment of facial scars. Gassner HG, Sherris DA.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 Oct; 112(5): 1464-6.
A grading system for nasal dorsal deformities. Kienstra MA, Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Kern EB. Arch Facial
Plast Surg. 2003 Mar-Apr; 5(2): 138-43.
Botulinum toxin to minimize facial scarring. Sherris DA, Gassner HG.
Facial Plast Surg. 2002 Feb;18(1):35-9.
Quantitative study of nasal tip support and the effect of reconstructive rhinoplasty. Gassner HG, Remington WJ, Sherris DA. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2001 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 178-84.
Addition of anesthetic agent enhances the predictability of botulinum toxin injections. Gassner HG, Sherris DA. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2000 Jul; 75(7): 701-4.
Immobilization of facial wounds with botulinum toxin A improves cosmetic outcome… Gassner HG, Sherris DA, Otley CC. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2000 May;105(6):1948-53; discussion 1954-5.
Prof. Gassner is invited regularly to speak at numerous national and international conferences, societies and universities, including the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Topics include: Nasal correction, facelift techniques, correction of the eyelids and other topics. He has already held over 1000 lectures on these topics. He is also regularly invited to demonstrate surgical techniques as a preoperative at international surgical courses.
Professor Gassner founded the international “Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery” course in Regensburg in 2009. This surgical course in facial plastic surgery has become one of the largest in Europe with numerous participants from all continents. The dissection exercises are offered with anatomical specimens, which are specially flown from the USA on dry ice. The speakers include the top international experts in plastic facial surgery. From September 12 to 15, 2018, Prof. Gassner will be hosting the annual European conference for the European Academy for Facial Plastic Surgery in Regensburg. During the course, world class specialists will present on important topics in facial plastic surgery.
Dr. Gassner is active as an expert in important specialist associations and academic societies as well as for professional journals :
President, European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (EBCFPRS). EBCFPRS is responsible for the examination and certification of plastic facial surgeons in Europe.
Treasurer, International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Member of the board, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, German ENT Society HNO Gesellschaft.
Examiner, American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS).
Peer reviewer for a variety of medical journals (JAMA, JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
Professor Gassner usually operates four full days per week and has the long-term experience of several thousand interventions. Prof. Gassner has the experience of more than a thousand nasal correction surgeries alone.
- Cosmetic rhinoplasty
- Face Lift (deep plane and subSMAS)
- Endoscopic Face Lift
- Endoscopic forehead lift
- Otoplasty
- Microtia reconstruction
- Lipostructure (Coleman Technique)
- Cosmetic reconstruction of facial defects
- Facial reanimation
Prof. Gassner is the director of the private surgical office „Finesse Center for Facial Plastic Surgery“, Froehliche – Tuerken – Strasse 8, 93047 Regensburg, Germany.
Country: Germany
Medical Association: Bayerische Landesärztekammer, Mühlbauerstr. 16, 81677 München
Legal name of the profession: Doctor
Professional regulations: Berufsordnung für die Ärzte Bayerns der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer
Additional title: Effective as of 03 February 2011, Prof. Dr. Holger Gassner from the Bayerischen Landesärztekammer the power to power to hold these designations
“Facial Plastic Surgery / Plastische Chirurgie des Gesichts (USA)”.
Prof. Gassner is a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the United States of America. (“Board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon”, ABFPRS). This designation was not acquired in Bavaria and therefore not according to regular training for physicians of Bavaria, but was granted as a different qualification according to §27 of the Berufsordnung für die Ärzte Bayerns erteilt. Prof. Gassner also holds the additional title “Plastic Operations” (Plastische Operationen) which was acquired before BLAEK